You might have noticed that many of us here at Triangle Mamas have strong opinions about the new direction of the Wake County School Board. While Triangle Mamas takes no official stance on political matters, our writers are free to hold their own opinions and express them here in a respectful manner.
Today, I received this email from a friend. In the interest of getting the information out quickly, I've simply cut and pasted it here. I hope that if you care about Project Enlightenment, and quite frankly, you should, that you will join us in a push to save the program. We are lucky to have a program such as this in Wake County, and losing it would be a horrible blow to our community.
I have recently been made aware that a priceless resource in our community is being threatened by budget cuts and I wanted to pass along this information before it is too late to do anything about it.When Owen started pre-school at age 3 his teachers noticed almost immediately that he was having serious social issues. Jeff and I were asked if we wanted a representative from Project Enlightenment to come and observe him and make recommendations. They did, and thus began a wonderful, constructive and life altering relationship. Owen is now a happy 2nd grader with friends: something we really feared might never happen. Through workshops (for Owen and me), therapy and one-on-one sessions over 2 years (all paid for through our tax dollars) we were able to help Owen learn how to handle himself and Jeff and I were given lessons in how to handle him. We will be forever thankful for this service that we never even knew existed before Owen began having his "issues."
For those of you who are unfamiliar with Project Enlightenment: it is an early childhood education and intervention program of the Wake County Public School System, serving teachers and parents of young children, ages birth through kindergarten. It is very unique and we are one of the few counties in the country to offer such services, though other counties (including Fairfax Va). are using it as a model to start similar programs because of the incredible success of ours.
I come from a family of educators, so I have been lectured again and again about the importance of early childhood programs. Project Enlightenment is everything you could ask for for at-risk children, and all under one roof. Please check out their web page to see everything they offer.
Please see the e-mail below for how we can all help to save P.E. Unformtualy, we do not have much time. But there is a form letter and the e-mail addresses of all the School Board members to make it easy if you would like to contact them.
Thank you!
Hi Wake County friends,Elizabeth Jordan (formally of the Justice Center) sent this to me and asked for help in getting e-mails in to the Wake School Board to save this incredible resource. Please take a moment to see if you could take action on this. It would be a tremendous loss to children and families if this program is cut as they suggest.
Thanks for your consideration!
The future of Project Enlightenment is being threatened. The Wake County School Board votes THIS TUESDAY, MARCH 2nd on proposed severe budget cuts for this amazing resource in our community. There are 2 easy, effective ways YOU can make a difference:
1 - Participate in Email the Education Board campaign
· Cut and paste the following paragraph into a new email:
I ask that you support the infants and young children in Wake County by supporting Project Enlightenment and that you NOT cut funding to this vital program. Project Enlightenment is an essential and cost effective part of the Wake County Public School System. Overwhelming evidence shows the importance of early intervention – providing services to young children with extra needs and their families will save Wake county tax dollars in the long run. Countless early childhood teachers in our county and beyond have received invaluable training through Project Enlightenment, benefiting countless children enrolled in preschool programs not only today but in the years to come. Please do not cut Project Enlightenment’s funding or services – Wake County’s infants and young children are counting on you.
Feel free to add any additional statements here regarding your personal involvement with Project Enlightenment. Specific examples of ways your family has benefited are great.
· Sign email with your name, and city, and, if you would like, kids' names and ages
· Email to school board members - [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
2 - Come to the Board of Education meeting - Tuesday, March 2 at 3:00 - Board Room, 2nd Floor (3600 Wake Forest Road, Raleigh, NC 27609 )
It is essential that we have as many people as possible at the meeting. It will be much harder for the Board to make cuts if there is visible public opposition. Individuals interested in speaking during the Public Hearing must sign up at least 10 minutes before the hearing starts and will be given 3 minutes to address the Board and audience.
Project Enlightenment serves all children in Wake County from birth through kindergarten, along with their families and teachers. Project Enlightenment provides:
- Consulting and developmental screening for children
- Training and education for parents, teachers and other service providers
- A resource center and lending library
- Parent counseling and a TALKline to assist with any issue – the topics can include anything from potty training and basic discipline to concerns for special needs children
- Demonstration classrooms that serve typically developing, at- risk, and special needs children that demonstrate best practices for teacher training
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