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December 08, 2009


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We are totally doing Santa. I love him. I still wish I believed.

But I'm a sap.

We have the Elf on the Shelf who comes out right after Thanksgiving, but we also have the Fisher Price Nativity set.

I'm all in for Christmas. Legends, stories, traditions, religion, and Santa too.


We won't be doing gifts from Santa in our house. We're those people. We'll talk about the real St. Nicholas and how he helped the poor and that's why we give gifts. We'll still get the lists and enjoy Santa as a character. I think the magic will still be there no matter what you decide! It IS Christmas after all :-)


I feel for ya, girl! We are going to do Santa but I'm not going to go on and on about Santa. Just as much as I need to!

I agree that part of the magic of Christmas is Santa bringing presents. And honestly, by the time Bug is old enough to be told Santa doesn't exist, he'll probably have a good hunch about it anyway!


we do santa- we even do the mall santa but that is because my 3 yr old asked to see him, she wanted to wait in line (we didn't) when she saw him. and her and my 22month old happily graced his lap. but my family does believe in magic, even if it is coincidence or fate or the weather- we look to the fairy dust of it all. and so do our children. mothering magazine had a wonderful article about fairies and all things make believe and the dilemma of including them or not into your life. childhood is a time of wonderment- and whether fostered or not your children will make up mystical creatures to pretend about. why not help the fairy tale? its just a character- the same you would find in any book, movie, or folk tale. use it how you need or want to in your family!

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