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September 28, 2009


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I had a rocking time with all my new friends! I too, just want to write, but this weekend held plenty for me. I was revived! Missing the girls already!

Mary@Everyday Baby Steps

You ladies had way too much fun! Next conference, I'm leaving the family at home. Don't get me wrong, I loved having them there, but it would be nice not to have to balance!


And that's a lovely photo of my bee-hind at the top, thanks. :)

Thanks so much for thinking to bring the Wii. It was clearly brilliant. I loved meeting all three of you, and I'm glad you were there.


Love it! Love it! Love it! APPLAUSE for getting a post up so soon.

Rock and Roll mama

SO awesome! I was dying to be there and rock out with you guys, but my 3 kids had been at KidCon alllll day and needed a bath and a veg in the worst way. I am a RockBand junkie, and am working my way through Beatles right now.
In fact, when Hubs is off tour and missing his 11 pm stage ritual, he's been known to request some RockBand.:) Props to you for being so innovative, and doing something just cause it was AWESOME!


Man, looks like so much fun. Wish I could've been there to rock out with you guys!

Amy - Mom Spark

Wow, thank you for posting this, I've been wanting to see some Rock Band photos. That party rocked! (literally)

Janine (@twincident)

very cute! Love that you captured it all. Thanks for including me in all my Bon Jovi glory (ha!)


Looks like so much fun - I'm so glad you ladies went! Thanks for posting these pictures; they made me grin. :)


Awesome. I enjoyed meeting y'all, and it was way fun to test out the mic while you were setting up!
I wanted to come back for another song, but got distracted & it was packed up before I knew it! ;p

PunditMom/Joanne Bamberger

Man, I must have headed off to bed too early! can't believe I missed all these rockin' chicks!


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So I have been playing for around 6 months and been taking lessons, but still there are only a handful of songs I can play through. I know some like Purple Haze, but certain parts I just can't play yet, yet I can play through a number of Beatles and U2 songs easily. I also know parts of Crazy Train, Back In Black, and Iron Man. I am still working on being able to play all these songs through, but I was wondering what are some easier songs to expand my repertoire while I continue to work on these hard ones.

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What a fun night for the ladies!

Clinton Harvin

Cool Mommas! Yeah, a conference is worlds away from the blogosphere, where it's just you and the computer screen. But it's meeting the people who read, and write like you, that is refreshing. Keep it up!

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She's my kind of girl. So Rock and Roll!


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You guys rock. Hope i can join you one of your parties.

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